Visit and evaluation meeting of the respected knowledge-based team of the falling film project at the Pishgam Palayesh Force Factory

MAPNA Company Visits the Pishgam Palayesh Force Factory

Preparing Workers Accommodation for the Construction of Negin parsian Topping Equipment

Visit of the Nigerian team by Mr. Sani Mukhtar, CEO of IBCON GLOBAL Company

Mapna Company managers visit the Pishgam Palayesh Manufacturing Plant

Naft Gostar Anahita Company managers visit the Pishgam Palayesh Manufacturing Plant

3D Modeling Completed gas Condensate Refinery (Satrap Imen Arya)

Implementation of the Model Negin Parsian Storage Tanks

Motor oil Blending and Grease Production Project With a Capacity of 100 Tons per Day